Also, on the newsy weekend front, we drove up to Tomales Bay, bought ourselves a sack of oysters and then headed to Dillon beach. Rather than launch into an extended narrative, I'll sum up using quotes and paraphrases from the crew.
A+P "Snarf, gulp, snarf, burp".
L "Oh my god, I can't believe you're eating all of those oysters in front of a pregnant lady! That's so unfair!"
A+P "Snarf, gulp, snarf, burp".
A "I don't trust some* people. Case in point, I just knew those meth heads were going to lose the keys to their minivan"
C "Can I have another oyster? Can I have another oyster? Can I have another oyster?"
L (junior) "Can you cut out the gross bits?"
A "The gross bits are the oyster. Why don't you have a hot dog?"
P [Refrains from telling L what gross bits are in a hot dog]
Q + F [sounds of of digging for 3 straight hours]
P "We should take some home for B. I feel so terrible that he has to work today, we should at least bring him some oysters."
A "OK, I guess I'm kind of full now."
* A did not actually use the word "some" here.
Lisa and the boys
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