Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving is pie time

Gentle reader, we have have several options for dessert on thanksgiving. I present them in no particular order.

1) Pumpkin pie bought from Safeway. Served with Kool-whip (lite) refrigerated dessert topping.

Pros: Cheap. Pretty Tasty. Boys will want seconds of kool-whip. Finn will try and eat it without using hands.

Cons: Questionable nutritional value. Will cause foodie friends to throw organic, free range, hormone free eggs at your house.

2) Pumpkin cranberry pecan upside down cake from Trader Joes. Served with dreyers vanilla ice cream.

Pros: Relatively inexpensive. Tasty if you like pecans and cranberries. Conor will eat seconds. Both boys will demand more ice cream. Dreyers is a locally founded business.

Cons: Not, strictly speaking, pumpkin pie. Could result in dire vengeance from ghosts of our pilgrim forefathers. Also, Finn doesn't like pecans. Or cranberries. Dreyers is now owned by gigantic multinational corporation that probably celebrates thanksgiving by stuffing, roasting and devouring babies and kittens.

3) Homemade pumpkin pie (made by blog author).

Pros. Commencement of thanksgiving feast will not be delayed by lengthy thanks for delicious looking pie.

Cons. Meal participants might feel obligated to try said pie.

4) Homemade pumpkin pie (made by Lisa)

Pros. Tasty, organic, and so perfect that a glimpse of its radiant orangeness provides the US RDA in vitamin D, and one small slice cures rickets and scrofula.

Cons. None for blog author, except perhaps weight gain.

In the spirit of generosity that is thanksgiving, we the Chandler/Hennessey household pledge to eat whatever dessert is chosen by the readership of this blog. We will also post pictures, and, if this proves succesful, we will open the floor to those who care to debate the superiority of cranberry sauce in a can over chunky, relishy cranberry sauce with stems and actual berries.


piequeen said...

I already bought a ready made pie from Whole Foods thereby balancing the ready made convinience with the its-wholesome-organic-smugness of being from an ultra expensive store only for liberal yuppies. No kool whip in my house. You know none of its ingredients remotely resembles food

short but funky said...

Pat and Lisa,my birthday is January 13th and I enjoy cupcakes also. Possible theme: The Alphabet Soup approach of the F.D.R. Administration's response to the Great Depression.
What do you say?