Friday, July 25, 2008

Drumroll please

As per the subtitle of this blog, I'll be posting when it strikes my fancy, with no real focus other than the occasional photo of my wifes cakes. And cupcakes. And, if you're lucky, pie. She bakes good cakes, and you, fortunate reader, get to look at them.

Given that she's been baking cakes rather longer than this blog has existed, there's actually a backlog of baked goods to post, but all in good time. I can use this surplus to post in the fallow times, when birthdays are few and far between and I can barely remember the almond smell of fondant.

So, without further ado, here is a train cake that we made for my 3 year old son's birthday a few months back. It's the perfect baked good for the hypoglycemic trainspotter in your circle.

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