Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick

Better, even, than a headfirst fall onto a Berkeley driveway. Upon the insistence of the readership, I bring to you Lisa's concussion cupcakes. Try making some of those yourself. Easy, you say? Ok, now throw down a couple drinks and headbutt the pavement so hard it makes your eyes cross for two days straight and causes what appears to be a gushing leak in the heretofore undiscovered forehead artery. OK, now try making them again. Not so easy now, smart guy, is it?

The law does not concern itself with trifles

It does, however, concern itself with pastries. However, in order to make ends meet, it also concerns itself with global financial meltdowns. Not that I have any specific excuse as to why I've not put up an entry for over a month, but really, with an excuse like that, do I need anything more specific? Global financial meltdowns can really cover for pecadillos far more troubling than my not stringing together a couple of sentences for an audience of one. Or, at least, so I would have thought. However, said audience of one has been giving me the hassle that about the paucity of my posting, and demanding more incredibly nichey chatter, and so I type.

Really, it came to me over the weekend that I need to post more. When my reader/muse managed to suffer a concussion and minor head wound (though major enough to require stitches) on a Friday night, yet nonetheless rallied to whip up 4 dozen cupcakes on Saturday despite a hangover and a bruised brain, I really have no excuse not to at least post a photo. But I can't. The photos are still on the camera, and Lisa's baking of the cakes was akin to John Henry finishing the tunnel - she's still breathing, but has been pretty wiped out since and hasn't moved them on to the computer. Way to pass the buck to the concussed lady, but that's how I roll.

Instead, I'll post a photo of my neighbor, who is a respected white collar defense attorney, the hands down winner of the annual "fastest guy on the street award", a probable contender in any Anderson Cooper look-alike competition that Anderson Cooper hasn't entered anonymously because he likes the attention (note: same sentence applies to his wife if you switch out "Tina Fey as Sarah Palin" for "Anderson Cooper"), and a huge red sox fan. He also still has his glasses from high school. I post without further comment.