Because it's my birthday, that's why. Lot of cakes recently, though photographic evidence will have to come later. I turned 34 on Sunday, and we had a big front yard barbecue. It seems like most of the street showed up, slurped down beer and ate cupcakes, courtesy of Lisa. Half were vanilla with white frosting, the other strawberry with strawberry frosting, and I believe that some of the vanilla were gluten free, as we had some celiac attendees. The night before, we'd also been to a friend's house for dinner and had a cake there too - a lovely little polka dotted lemon cake which went down rather nicely with the several glasses of port we were served with dessert. Rather civilized, really. I've not heard what kind of cake Mary (my twin sister) had, but I'm hoping it was a Fudgie the Whale ice-cream cake.
But frankly, my birthday was not even close to the most exciting thing happening in the past week. The big deal would be Conor's first day of kindergarten. He was absolutely great at dropoff, though seemed less than impressed after the first day, when he declared that all he learned was "Rules. Lots of rules." When asked if there was anything else he learned, he said "I learned recess is too short." As exciting as the first day was, it seems the bloom is off the rose a little - he's been less than enthusiastic upon realizing that (i) you actually have to go to kidnergarten every day, and (ii) Daddy doesn't stay home from work every day you go to kindergarten, and doesn't always take you out for ice cream afterwards to celebrate. Life can be unfair, sometimes.
Nevertheless, I'm sure he'll do well. And, in keeping with the baking theme, he's desperate to make zucchini bread with the garguantuan squash given to us by our neighbor. I can only hope that he aspires to provide me with the same delicious pastries that Lisa does.